Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Am I dating Cinde-Fella?

So… I should start by telling you that I am the luckiest girl in the world to have a man as amazing as Jack in my world. He has the brightest smile and when I am around him I literally feel like I could fly away on clouds *sigh*

Sappy enough for you?

Ha ha right nothing is that perfect is it, but really I feel like that most of the time. The only down side is his rather hateful sisters. He has three and is the youngest, so naturally, being a protective older sister myself, I expected them to be leery of my presence and to “watch me” as his middle sister so eloquently put it to me one afternoon. I prepared myself for the grilling and the standard initiation phase and after a while I found myself close friends I thought with Linda the oldest. We shared secrets and commiserated over her husband her brother and her children. The other two sisters lived far away and were less welcoming, but I chalked that up to not having spent much time with me or their brother in a while and we pressed on… Now just shy of two years in we are as happy as ever aside from the day to day things all couples face, but the relationship between myself and his sisters has deteriorated to the point that we are both at our wits end on what to do! Linda, the one I counted as a confidant, has now seemingly jumped ship and has now told Jack he should just give up it will never work since no one likes me we could never be happy. His mom is slightly more helpful and truly wants all of them to be happy but her behavior ranges from fairy Godmother to the wicked Step-Mother. I really want to trust her but I am not always sure since her daughters are her daughters you know?

I don’t know now what to do. Jack, ever the prince charming and good natured person, says we should have faith, be strong, things will get better… I on the other hand am not so sure and I am totally confused.

Hoping for help

Princess Charming

1 comment:

  1. Dont worry!! everything will turn out the way its supposed to!!!
    Good luck
    and HAVE FAITH!
